Thursday 10 May 2007

Spot the Difference Competition

These two photos were taken in Malta in April 2007, before and after the 6 hour qualifying swim in sub 16 degree water. This swim is a requirement of the Channel Swimming and Pilots Federation for all solo attempts of the English Channel.

See if YOU - or your toddler - can spot the difference?

Scroll down for answers below.........

- Swimmers look relatively warm and happy
- No granny blankets
- Skin not yet stung by 20 jelly fish

- Tongue size of large labrador's (admittedly not shown so bonus points for this one)
- Swimmers wearing minimum of 5 blankets and many clothes
- Posing for camera limited to demanding the camera man fetch more tea
- Facial skin consistency of Covent Garden soup

How did YOU score out of the maximum 8 points? Don't phone: it's just for fun.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Rob - I like the comedic element. I scored pretty well...Good luck!